Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Introduction to Management

Name: Trimo Setio
Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science (Information Systems)
NIM: 081131091


1.1 Definition of Triangle Management Language
Origin of the word "management" is from the English word "management", the noun form, while the verb is "to manage", which means managing things, and the popular notion of "managing" is "taking care of a job", where there are large-scale job small but also large-scale, further work if the larger scale, take care of it will also become more complex (complicated), so that then grow and grow giving rise to a separate discipline of "management science".

1.2 Definition of Management The Management Experts
Understanding of management varies according to the opinion of many management experts, but basically this is sama.Berikut some sense of management:

Stoner, James AF, Management, Prentice Hall International, Inc.London, 1978.
"Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and mengendalikanupaya members of the organization and use of other operational and other resources in order to achieve organizational goals"

Richard M.Hodgetts, Introduction to Business, Addison-Wesley PublishingCompany, Inc., 1981.
"Management is the process to get the job done through people"

Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, Management, Mc Graw-Hill, 1988.
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in manaindividu, working together in groups, to achieve this goal efficiently

Pearce II John.A, Richard.B.Robinson, Jr., Management, USA Mc Grow-Hillinternational Edition, 1989.
"Management is the process of optimizing human, material and kontribusikeuangan for the purpose of organizational performance"

Stoner, James AF, Edward R.Freeman, and Danial.R, Gilbert Jr., Management Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. (Sixth edtion), 1995.
"Management is the process of planning organization, leading and controlling the work of organizational members and of using all available resources to organizational resources to reach organizational goals Stated"

Schermerhorn Jr., John R, Management of the United States, John Wiley & Sons, The, Inc, 1996.
"Management is the process of planning, organization, directing, and controlling the use of resources to Accoumplish performance goals"

            Of understandings about the organization according to the above experts we can conclude that management is a process perancanaan, organizing, and controlling resources in an organization to achieve organizational goals and success.

2.1 Definition of Manager
Is well known, that in order to facilitate the setting of job duties, usually drawn up an organizational chart, which is a network of nodes that form an interconnected with each other vertically or horizontally, which placed him as the holder of those positions. With the organizational chart is very clearly delineated, who does what, and who under whom, or who supervises whom.

Holder of each node in the management theory called the "manager", that is, those whose job is to manage (memanej) charged in the work group.
Managers are the people in charge of organizing, managing work in an organization to which they lead bawahanya or charged to him in an organization

B. Levels of Management and Manager

· Manejemen first line (first-line management), also known as operational management terms, is the lowest level of management in charge of directing and overseeing non-managerial employees involved in the production process. They are often referred to a supervisor (supervisor), shift manager, area manager, office manager, department manager, or supervisor (foreman).

· Management of secondary level (middle management) covers all the management were among the first-line managers and top management and served as a liaison between the two. Middle management positions including chief among them, the project leader, plant manager, or division manager.

· The top management (top management), known also by the term executive officer, in charge of planning activities and general corporate strategy and direct the course of the company. Examples of top management is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer) and CFO (Chief Financial Officer).

 Management levels of the pyramid can be described by the following

C. Management theory

C.1 Scientific Management
Scientific management further developed by husband and wife Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Gilbreth family managed to create micromotion that can record every movement made by the worker and the length of time spent to perform each movement. Wasted movement that eluded the naked eye can be identified with this tool, and then removed. Gilbreth family also developed a classification scheme for naming seventeen basic hand movements (such as searching, grasping, holding), which they call Therbligs (from their family name, Gilbreth, who spelled backwards with the letters th fixed). The scheme allows the Gilbreth family in a more precise analysis of the elements of each worker's hand movements. Schemes that they get from their observations of how the preparation of bricks. Previously, Frank worked as a building contractor who finds that a worker did 18 motion for laying bricks for the exterior and 18 also move to the interior. Through research, it eliminates the movements do not need so that the movement needed to install the exterior brick was reduced from 18 to 5 motion movement. While for the interior brick, it reduces drastically from 18 motion to be two movements only. By using techniques Gilbreth, raw builders can be more productive and less fatigue at the end of the day.

C.2 Quantitative Approach
Quantitative approach is the use of a number of quantitative techniques, such as statistics, optimization models, information models, or computer simulations to assist management in making decisions. For example, linear programming is used to help managers take the resource allocation policy; critical path analysis (Critical Path Analysis) can be used to create a more efficient job scheduling: a model of economic order quantity (economic order quantity model) helps managers determine optimum inventory levels , and others.

Quantitative development emerged from the development of mathematical and statistical solutions to military problems during World War II. After the war ended, the techniques of mathematics and statistics are used to solve military problems were applied in the business sector. Founders are a group of military officers, nicknamed "Whiz Kids." The officers who joined the Ford Motor Company in the mid-1940s was to use statistical methods and quantitative models to improve decision making at Ford.

C.3 Classification
There are 6 kinds of theories manajamen include:
Classical flow: This flow defines management in accordance with management functions. Attention and management capabilities required in the implementation of these functions
The flow behavior: This stream is often referred to as the flow of human relations management. This stream of studies focuses on the human aspects of management understand the need for da man.

Scientific management of the flow: this flow using mathematical and statistical sciences to develop his theory. According to this flow, a quantitative approach is a major and very useful tool to describe the problem of management.

Flow analysis system: The flow of thought focuses on the problems associated with other fields to develop his theory.

Flow management based on the results: Flow based management was first introduced by Peter Drucker in the early 1950s. This stream of thought focuses on results achieved rather than on the interaction of employee activities.

The flow quality management: quality management flow of thought focuses on efforts to achieve customer satisfaction or customer.


Management functions are the basic elements that will always exist, and inherent in the management process that will be used as a reference by the manager in carrying out activities to achieve goals. Management function was first introduced by a French industrialist named Henry Fayol in the early 20th century when, he says the five functions of management, namely designing, organizing, commanding, mengordinasi, and control. But now, five functions have been condensed into tiga.yaitu:
Planning (planning) is thinking about what to do with the resources they have. Planning is done to determine the overall corporate objectives and how best to meet that goal. Managers evaluating various alternative plans before taking action and then see if the plan chosen is suitable and can be used to meet corporate objectives. Planning is the most important of all because without a plan of management functions, other functions can not run.

Organizing (organizing) conducted for the purpose of dividing an activity into the activities of smaller ones. Facilitate the organization of the manager to supervise and determine the person required to carry out tasks that had divided them. Organizing can be done by determining what tasks should be done, who should do it, how the tasks are grouped, who is responsible for the task, at which level decisions should be taken.

Direction (directing) is an action to see to it that all members of the group trying to reach the target in accordance with managerial and business planning.
E. Facility management

To achieve its intended purpose means necessary tools (tools). Tools are provided in an effort to achieve the result set. The tools are known as 6M, namely men, money, materials, machines, methods, and markets.
Man refers to the human resources of the organization. In management, human factors are the most decisive. Humans are made of human purpose and also that the process for achieving goals. Without any man no work process, because human beings are basically working. Therefore, management arises because of the people who work together to achieve goals.

Money or Money is one element that can not be ignored. Money is a medium of exchange and the measuring device. Large-small measurable results of activities of the amount of money circulating within the company. Therefore, money is a tool (tools) that are essential to achieve the purpose for all things must be taken into account in a rational way. This will relate to how much money should be provided to finance the salary of labor, tools required and must be purchased and how many results to be obtained from an organization.

The material consists of semi-finished material (raw material) and finished materials. In the corporate world to achieve better results, other than humans who are experts in their fields should also be able to use the material / materials as one means. Because the human and material tidaki can be separated, the material will not be achieved without the desired result.
Machine or Machinery used for facilitating or generating greater profits and create efficiency of work.

The method is a procedure to facilitate the course of employment manager's job. A method of determining how daat declared a working implementation of a task by providing a variety of considerations to the target, the facilities available and the use of time and money and business activities. Keep in mind though both methods, whereas those who carry it out do not understand or do not have experience then the result will not be satisfactory. Thus, the main role in the management of human remains themselves.

Market or the market is the place where the organization distribute (sell) products. Market products, of course, very important because if we do not sell the goods produced, then the process will stop production of goods. That is, the work will not last. Therefore, control of the market in terms of yield spread is a determining factor in the company. For markets to be controlled by the quality and price of goods must comply with consumer tastes and purchasing power (ability) of consumers.

F. Manager's role
Henry Mintzberg, a management science research, pointed out that there are ten roles played by managers in the workplace. He then classifies the ten roles into three groups. The first is the role of inter-personal, that involves people and other obligations, which are ceremonial and symbolic. This role includes a role as a figure for men, a leader, and liaison. The second is the informational role, including the role of managers as observers and disseminators of information, as well as the role of spokesman. The third is the decision-making roles, including roles as an entrepreneur, problem solver, the divisor of resources, and negotiators.
Mintzberg concludes that in general, the activities undertaken by the manager is interacting with others.

G. Skills of managers
Robert L. Katz in the year 1970-anmengemukakan that every manager needs at least three basic skills. These three skills are:
G.1 Conceptual Skills (conceptional skills)
Upper-level managers (top manager) must have the skills to make the concepts, ideas, and ideas for kemajuanorganisasi. Thought or idea and the concept is then to be translated into an action plan to realize the idea or concept is. The process of elaboration of the idea into a concrete action plan which is usually referred to as the planning process or planning. Therefore, conceptual skills are also meruipakan skills to make the plan work.
G.2 The skills relate to other people (humanity skill)
In addition, conceptual ability, managers also need to be equipped with communication skills or skills relate to other people, also called human skill. Persuasive communication must always be created by the lead managers to subordinates. With a persuasive communication, friendship, and fatherhood will make employees feel valued and then they will be open to the boss. Communication skills required, both at the level of top management, middle, or bottom.
G.3 The technical skills (technical skills)
These skills are generally a provision for managers at lower levels. This technical skill is the ability to perform a specific job, such as using a computer program, fix the engine, making the seats, accounting and others.
In addition to the above three basic skills, Ricky W. Griffin added two basic skills that need to be owned by managers, namely:
Time management skills
Is a skill that refers to the ability of a manager to use his time wisely. Griffin filed a case Lew Frankfort of Coach. In 2004, as manager, Frankfort paid $ 2,000,000 per year. If it is assumed that he worked for 50 hours per week with 2 weeks vacation time, then Frankfort hourly salary is $ 800 per hour-about $ 13 per minute. From there we can see that every minute was wasted would be very detrimental to the company. Most managers, of course, has a much smaller salary than Frankfort. However, the time they have remained a valuable asset, and menyianyiakannya means a waste of money and reduce productivity.
Decision-making skills
Is the ability to define problems and determine the best way to solve it. Decision-making ability is the most important for a manager, especially for the top managers (top manager). Griffin filed a three-step decision-making. First, a manager must define the problem and looking for alternatives that can be taken to solve them. Second, managers must evaluate each of the alternatives and choose an alternative that is considered the most good. And finally, managers must implement alternatives that have been his choice as well as monitor and evaluate it in order to stay on the right track.
H. Differences Managers and Management

The manager is the person who set up and take responsibility for the management, sedangkanManajemen itself is in the planning system to set up an organization to run as desired together, and led by a manager.
Denagn other words, the manager is the person who is conducting management activities, while the system's management, led by the manager.

http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manajemen # Tingkatan_manajer


Pengantar Manajemen

Nama              : Trimo Setio
Fakultas          : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (Sistem Informatika)
NIM                : 081131091


1.1 Pengertian Manajemen dari Segi  Bahasa
Asal kata “manajemen” adalah dari bahasa Inggris “management”, berbentuk kata benda, sedangkan kata kerjanya adalah “to manage”, yang artinya mengelola sesuatu, lalu secara populer pengertian “mengelola” adalah “mengurus suatu pekerjaan”, di mana ada pekerjaan berskala kecil tetapi juga bisa berskala besar, lebih lanjut apabila skala pekerjaannya makin besar, mengurusnya juga akan menjadi makin rumit (complicated), sehingga lalu berkembang dan tumbuh memunculkan suatu disiplin ilmu tersendiri, yaitu “ilmu manajemen”.

1.2 Pengertian Manajemen Menurut Pakar Manajemen
Pengertian manajemen bervariasi menurut pendapat berbagai pakar manajemen,namun pada dasarnya adalah sama.Berikut ini beberapa pengertian manajemen :

Stoner,James A.F, Management ,Prentice Hall International,Inc.London,1978.
"Manajemen adalah proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, memimpin dan mengendalikanupaya anggota organisasi dan penggunaan operasional lainnya dan sumber daya lainya dalam rangka mencapai tujuan organisasi”

Richard M.Hodgetts, Introduction to Business, Addison-Wesley PublishingCompany,Inc,1981.
"Manajemen adalah proses untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan melalui orang"

Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, Manajemen,Mc Graw-Hill, 1988.
Manajemen adalah proses merancang dan memelihara suatu lingkungan di manaindividu, bekerja sama dalam kelompok, Untuk mencapai tujuan secara efisien

Pearce II John.A,Richard.B.Robinson,Jr, Management,USA Mc Grow-Hillinternational Edition,1989.
"Manajemen adalah proses mengoptimalkan manusia, material dan kontribusikeuangan untuk tujuan prestasi organisasi"

Stoner,James A.F,Edward R.Freeman, and Danial.R,Gilbert Jr, Management  Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.( Sixth Edtion ),1995.
“Management is the process of planning organization, leading and controlling the work of organizational members and of using all resources to available organizational resources to reach stated organizational goals”

Schermerhorn Jr, John R, Pengelolaan Amerika Serikat, John Wiley & Sons The, Inc, 1996.
"Manajemen adalah proses perencanaan, organisasi, memimpin, dan mengendalikan penggunaan sumber daya untuk Accoumplish tujuan kinerja"

            Dari pengertian-pengertian tentang organisasi menurut pakar diatas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa manajemen adalah suatu proses perancanaan ,pengorganisasian , dan mengendalikan sumber daya dalam suatu organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan dan keberhasilan organisasi.

2.1 Pengertian Manajer
Sudah sangat dikenal, bahwa untuk memudahkan pengaturan tugas pekerjaan, biasa disusun suatu bagan organisasi, yaitu suatu jaringan yang membentuk simpul-simpul yang saling dihubungkan satu dengan yang lain secara vertikal maupun horisontal, yang padanya ditempatkan orang-orang sebagai pemegang jabatannya. Dengan bagan organisasi tersebut sangat jelas digambarkan, siapa mengerjakan apa, dan siapa di bawah siapa, atau siapa membawahi siapa.

Pemegang jabatan tiap-tiap simpul di dalam teori manajemen disebut sebagai “manajer”, yaitu orang yang bertugas untuk mengelola (memanej) pekerjaan yang dibebankan dalam kelompoknya.
Manajer adalah orang-orang yang bertugas mengatur ,mengelola pekerjaan dalam suatu organisasi kepada bawahanya yang mereka pimpin atau yang dibebankan kepadanya dalam suatu organisasi

B. Tingkatan Manajemen dan Manajer

·        Manejemen lini pertama (first-line management), dikenal pula dengan istilah manajemen operasional, merupakan manajemen tingkatan paling rendah yang bertugas memimpin dan mengawasi karyawan non-manajerial yang terlibat dalam proses produksi. Mereka sering disebut penyelia (supervisor), manajer shift, manajer area, manajer kantor, manajer departemen, atau mandor (foreman).

·        Manajemen tingkat menengah (middle management) mencakup semua manajemen yang berada di antara manajer lini pertama dan manajemen puncak dan bertugas sebagai penghubung antara keduanya. Jabatan yang termasuk manajer menengah di antaranya kepala bagian, pemimpin proyek, manajer pabrik, atau manajer divisi.

·        Manajemen puncak (top management), dikenal pula dengan istilah executive officer, bertugas merencanakan kegiatan dan strategi perusahaan secara umum dan mengarahkan jalannya perusahaan. Contoh top manajemen adalah CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer), dan CFO (Chief Financial Officer).

 Tingkatan manajemen dapat digambarkan dengan piramida sebagai berikut

C. Teori manajemen

C.1 Manajemen ilmiah
Manajemen ilmiah kemudian dikembangkan lebih jauh oleh pasangan suami-istri Frank dan Lillian Gilbreth. Keluarga Gilbreth berhasil menciptakan micromotion yang dapat mencatat setiap gerakan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja dan lamanya waktu yang dihabiskan untuk melakukan setiap gerakan tersebut. Gerakan yang sia-sia yang luput dari pengamatan mata telanjang dapat diidentifikasi dengan alat ini, untuk kemudian dihilangkan. Keluarga Gilbreth juga menyusun skema klasifikasi untuk memberi nama tujuh belas gerakan tangan dasar (seperti mencari, menggenggam, memegang) yang mereka sebut Therbligs (dari nama keluarga mereka, Gilbreth, yang dieja terbalik dengan huruf th tetap). Skema tersebut memungkinkan keluarga Gilbreth menganalisis cara yang lebih tepat dari unsur-unsur setiap gerakan tangan pekerja. Skema itu mereka dapatkan dari pengamatan mereka terhadap cara penyusunan batu bata. Sebelumnya, Frank yang bekerja sebagai kontraktor bangunan menemukan bahwa seorang pekerja melakukan 18 gerakan untuk memasang batu bata untuk eksterior dan 18 gerakan juga untuk interior. Melalui penelitian, ia menghilangkan gerakan-gerakan yang tidak perlu sehingga gerakan yang diperlukan untuk memasang batu bata eksterior berkurang dari 18 gerakan menjadi 5 gerakan. Sementara untuk batu bata interior, ia mengurangi secara drastis dari 18 gerakan hingga menjadi 2 gerakan saja. Dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik Gilbreth, tukang baku dapat lebih produktif dan berkurang kelelahannya di penghujung hari.

C.2 Pendekatan kuantitatif
Pendekatan kuantitatif adalah penggunaan sejumlah teknik kuantitatif—seperti statistikmodel optimasimodel informasi, atau simulasi komputer—untuk membantu manajemen dalam mengambil keputusan. Sebagai contoh, pemrograman linear digunakan para manajer untuk membantu mengambil kebijakan pengalokasian sumber daya; analisis jalur kritis (Critical Path Analysis) dapat digunakan untuk membuat penjadwalan kerja yang lebih efesien; model kuantitas pesanan ekonomi (economic order quantity model) membantu manajer menentukan tingkat persediaan optimum; dan lain-lain.

Pengembangan kuantitatif muncul dari pengembangan solusi matematika dan statistik terhadap masalah militer selama Perang Dunia II.  Setelah perang berakhir, teknik-teknik matematika dan statistika yang digunakan untuk memecahkan persoalan-persoalan militer itu diterapkan di sektor bisnis. Pelopornya adalah sekelompok perwira militer yang dijuluki "Whiz Kids." Para perwira yang bergabung dengan Ford Motor Company pada pertengahan 1940-an ini menggunakan metode statistik dan model kuantitatif untuk memperbaiki pengambilan keputusan di Ford.

C.3 Klasifikasi
Ada 6 macam teori manajamen diantaranya:
Aliran klasik: Aliran ini mendefinisikan manajemen sesuai dengan fungsi-fungsi manajemennya. Perhatian dan kemampuan manajemen dibutuhkan pada penerapan fungsi-fungsi tersebut
Aliran perilaku: Aliran ini sering disebut juga aliran manajemen hubungan manusia. Aliran ini memusatkan kajiannya pada aspek manusia da perlunya manajemen memahami manusia.

Aliran manajemen Ilmiah: aliran ini menggunakan matematika dan ilmu statistika untuk mengembangkan teorinya. Menurut aliran ini, pendekatan kuantitatif merupakan sarana utama dan sangat berguna untuk menjelaskan masalah manajemen.

Aliran analisis sistem: Aliran ini memfokuskan pemikiran pada masalah yang berhubungan dengan bidang lain untuk mengembangkan teorinya.

Aliran manajemen berdasarkan hasil: Aliran manajemen berdasarkan hasil diperkenalkan pertama kali oleh Peter Drucker pada awal 1950-an. Aliran ini memfokuskan pada pemikiran hasil-hasil yang dicapai bukannya pada interaksi kegiatan karyawan.

Aliran manajemen mutu: Aliran manajemen mutu memfokuskan pemikiran pada usaha-usaha untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan atau konsumen.


Fungsi manajemen adalah elemen-elemen dasar yang akan selalu ada dan melekat di dalam proses manajemen yang akan dijadikan acuan oleh manajer dalam melaksanakan kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan. Fungsi manajemen pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh seorang industrialis Perancis bernama Henry Fayol pada awal abad ke-20 Ketika itu, ia menyebutkan lima fungsi manajemen, yaitu merancang, mengorganisir, memerintah, mengordinasi, dan mengendalikan. Namun saat ini, kelima fungsi tersebut telah diringkas menjadi tiga.yaitu:
  1. Perencanaan (planning) adalah memikirkan apa yang akan dikerjakan dengan sumber yang dimiliki. Perencanaan dilakukan untuk menentukan tujuan perusahaan secara keseluruhan dan cara terbaik untuk memenuhi tujuan itu. Manajer mengevaluasi berbagai rencana alternatif sebelum mengambil tindakan dan kemudian melihat apakah rencana yang dipilih cocok dan dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi tujuan perusahaan. Perencanaan merupakan proses terpenting dari semua fungsi manajemen karena tanpa perencanaan, fungsi-fungsi lainnya tak dapat berjalan.

  2. Pengorganisasian (organizing) dilakukan dengan tujuan membagi suatu kegiatan besar menjadi kegiatan-kegiatan yang lebih kecil. Pengorganisasian mempermudah manajer dalam melakukan pengawasan dan menentukan orang yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang telah dibagi-bagi tersebut. Pengorganisasian dapat dilakukan dengan cara menentukan tugas apa yang harus dikerjakan, siapa yang harus mengerjakannya, bagaimana tugas-tugas tersebut dikelompokkan, siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas tugas tersebut, pada tingkatan mana keputusan harus diambil.

  3. Pengarahan (directing) adalah suatu tindakan untuk mengusahakan agar semua anggota kelompok berusaha untuk mencapai sasaran sesuai dengan perencanaan manajerial dan usaha.
E. Sarana manajemen

Untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditentukan diperlukan alat-alat sarana (tools). Tools merupakan syarat suatu usaha untuk mencapai hasil yang ditetapkan. Tools tersebut dikenal dengan 6M, yaitu men, money, materials, machines, method, dan markets.
Man merujuk pada sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki oleh organisasi. Dalam manajemen, faktor manusia adalah yang paling menentukan. Manusia yang membuat tujuan dan manusia pula yang melakukan proses untuk mencapai tujuan. Tanpa ada manusia tidak ada proses kerja, sebab pada dasarnya manusia adalah makhluk kerja. Oleh karena itu, manajemen timbul karena adanya orang-orang yang berkerja sama untuk mencapai tujuan.

Money atau Uang merupakan salah satu unsur yang tidak dapat diabaikan. Uang merupakan alat tukar dan alat pengukur nilai. Besar-kecilnya hasil kegiatan dapat diukur dari jumlah uang yang beredar dalam perusahaan. Oleh karena itu uang merupakan alat (tools) yang penting untuk mencapai tujuan karena segala sesuatu harus diperhitungkan secara rasional. Hal ini akan berhubungan dengan berapa uang yang harus disediakan untuk membiayai gaji tenaga kerja, alat-alat yang dibutuhkan dan harus dibeli serta berapa hasil yang akan dicapai dari suatu organisasi.

Material terdiri dari bahan setengah jadi (raw material) dan bahan jadi. Dalam dunia usaha untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik, selain manusia yang ahli dalam bidangnya juga harus dapat menggunakan bahan/materi-materi sebagai salah satu sarana. Sebab materi dan manusia tidaki dapat dipisahkan, tanpa materi tidak akan tercapai hasil yang dikehendaki.
Machine atau Mesin digunakan untuk memberi kemudahan atau menghasilkan keuntungan yang lebih besar serta menciptakan efesiensi kerja.

Metode adalah suatu tata cara kerja yang memperlancar jalannya pekerjaan manajer. Sebuah metode daat dinyatakan sebagai penetapan cara pelaksanaan kerja suatu tugas dengan memberikan berbagai pertimbangan-pertimbangan kepada sasaran, fasilitas-fasilitas yang tersedia dan penggunaan waktu, serta uang dan kegiatan usaha. Perlu diingat meskipun metode baik, sedangkan orang yang melaksanakannya tidak mengerti atau tidak mempunyai pengalaman maka hasilnya tidak akan memuaskan. Dengan demikian, peranan utama dalam manajemen tetap manusianya sendiri.

Market atau pasar adalah tempat di mana organisasi menyebarluaskan (memasarkan) produknya. Memasarkan produk sudah barang tentu sangat penting sebab bila barang yang diproduksi tidak laku, maka proses produksi barang akan berhenti. Artinya, proses kerja tidak akan berlangsung. Oleh sebab itu, penguasaan pasar dalam arti menyebarkan hasil produksi merupakan faktor menentukan dalam perusahaan. Agar pasar dapat dikuasai maka kualitas dan harga barang harus sesuai dengan selera konsumen dan daya beli (kemampuan) konsumen.

F. Peran manajer
Henry Mintzberg, seorang ahli riset ilmu manajemen, mengemukakan bahwa ada sepuluh peran yang dimainkan oleh manajer di tempat kerjanya. Ia kemudian mengelompokan kesepuluh peran itu ke dalam tiga kelompok. yang pertama adalah peran antar pribadi, yaitu melibatkan orang dan kewajiban lain, yang bersifat seremonial dan simbolis. Peran ini meliputi peran sebagai figur untuk anak buah, pemimpin, dan penghubung. Yang kedua adalah peran informasional, meliputi peran manajer sebagai pemantau dan penyebar informasi, serta peran sebagai juru bicara. Yang ketiga adalah peran pengambilan keputusan, meliputi peran sebagai seorang wirausahawan, pemecah masalah, pembagi sumber daya, dan perunding.
Mintzberg kemudian menyimpulkan bahwa secara garis besar, aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh manajer adalah berinteraksi dengan orang lain.

G. Keterampilan manajer
Robert L. Katz pada tahun 1970-anmengemukakan bahwa setiap manajer membutuhkan minimal tiga keterampilan dasar. Ketiga keterampilan tersebut adalah:
G.1 Keterampilan konseptual (conceptional skill)
Manajer tingkat atas (top manager) harus memiliki keterampilan untuk membuat konsep, ide, dan gagasan demi kemajuanorganisasi. Gagasan atau ide serta konsep tersebut kemudian haruslah dijabarkan menjadi suatu rencana kegiatan untuk mewujudkan gagasan atau konsepnya itu. Proses penjabaran ide menjadi suatu rencana kerja yang kongkret itu biasanya disebut sebagai proses perencanaan atau planning. Oleh karena itu, keterampilan konsepsional juga meruipakan keterampilan untuk membuat rencana kerja.
G.2 Keterampilan berhubungan dengan orang lain (humanity skill)
Selain kemampuan konsepsional, manajer juga perlu dilengkapi dengan keterampilan berkomunikasi atau keterampilan berhubungan dengan orang lain, yang disebut juga keterampilan kemanusiaan. Komunikasi yang persuasif harus selalu diciptakan oleh manajer terhadap bawahan yang dipimpinnya. Dengan komunikasi yang persuasif, bersahabat, dan kebapakan akan membuat karyawan merasa dihargai dan kemudian mereka akan bersikap terbuka kepada atasan. Keterampilan berkomunikasi diperlukan, baik pada tingkatan manajemen atas, menengah, maupun bawah.
G.3 Keterampilan teknis (technical skill)
Keterampilan ini pada umumnya merupakan bekal bagi manajer pada tingkat yang lebih rendah. Keterampilan teknis ini merupakan kemampuan untuk menjalankan suatu pekerjaan tertentu, misalnya menggunakan program komputer, memperbaiki mesin, membuat kursi, akuntansi dan lain-lain.
Selain tiga keterampilan dasar di atas, Ricky W. Griffin menambahkan dua keterampilan dasar yang perlu dimiliki manajer, yaitu:
  1. Keterampilan manajemen waktu
    Merupakan keterampilan yang merujuk pada kemampuan seorang manajer untuk menggunakan waktu yang dimilikinya secara bijaksana. Griffin mengajukan contoh kasus Lew Frankfort dari Coach. Pada tahun 2004, sebagai manajer, Frankfort digaji $2.000.000 per tahun. Jika diasumsikan bahwa ia bekerja selama 50 jam per minggu dengan waktu cuti 2 minggu, maka gaji Frankfort setiap jamnya adalah $800 per jam—sekitar $13 per menit. Dari sana dapat kita lihat bahwa setiap menit yang terbuang akan sangat merugikan perusahaan. Kebanyakan manajer, tentu saja, memiliki gaji yang jauh lebih kecil dari Frankfort. Namun demikian, waktu yang mereka miliki tetap merupakan aset berharga, dan menyianyiakannya berarti membuang-buang uang dan mengurangi produktivitas perusahaan.
  1. Keterampilan membuat keputusan
    Merupakan kemampuan untuk mendefinisikan masalah dan menentukan cara terbaik dalam memecahkannya. Kemampuan membuat keputusan adalah yang paling utama bagi seorang manajer, terutama bagi kelompok manajer atas (top manager). Griffin mengajukan tiga langkah dalam pembuatan keputusan. Pertama, seorang manajer harus mendefinisikan masalah dan mencari berbagai alternatif yang dapat diambil untuk menyelesaikannya. Kedua, manajer harus mengevaluasi setiap alternatif yang ada dan memilih sebuah alternatif yang dianggap paling baik. Dan terakhir, manajer harus mengimplementasikan alternatif yang telah ia pilih serta mengawasi dan mengevaluasinya agar tetap berada di jalur yang benar.
H. Perbedaan Manajer Dan Manajemen

Manajer adalah seseorang yang mengatur dan bertanggung jawab atas manajemen tersebut, sedangkanManajemen itu sendiri adalah sistem untuk mengatur perencanaan dalam suatu organisasi agar berjalan sesuai yang diinginkan bersama, dan dipimpin oleh seorang manajer.
Denagn kata lain, Manajer itu orang yg sedang melakukan kegiatan manajemen , sedangkan manajemen itu system yang dipimpin oleh sang manajer.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Processor Cooling Thermal Paste II

Processor Cooling Thermal Paste

             Before entering into the discussion of "Processor Cooling Thermal Paste" I'll tell you first why I was a little talk about thermal paste this time (vent) at the time that I want to service the computer can not boot after I tried it several times to startup, but before getting to the desktop it always restart without any reason and this makes me understand a little bit confused still new in terms of computer service.

            After a while I tried and the results were not there I decided to get into the "BIOS SYSTEM" After I checked and it turns out the processor temperature reaches 72 "C, I was shocked and did not seem to believe (hehe lebai dikwit ..... hehe) I about fun with a processor problem and I had to try to dismantle the PC, but what I encountered was fun and gag normal processor there is a problem because I think I finally open penesaran processor is fun and what I encountered was a former processor there something that is dry because of my ignorance, I asked my boss and that's where I was introduced to "thermal paste" I am a little confused exactly what the thermal paste?

"Yupz .... go directly to the discussion of what thermal paste!"

           Thermal paste is a device in a computer that is rarely considered but important their role is used to help release heat to the heatsink processor, without any thermal as fast and fun as well as any processor can not release the heat generated by the processor so that the thermal stimulation is required by the components of the computer

My heart is still asking "what is the material of the thermal paste so he can help remove heat from the processor?."

The following are some of the material of thermal paste

1. Metal Based

  Thermal paste is made from a mixture of powdered metals such as silver or aluminum is a very fine and mixed with oil in order to bias polisintesis like gel. This paste has a relatively expensive price and type of pasta has become a standard with an Intel or AMD. Because this type of pasta has excellent conductivity and conduct electricity. This paste will be colored gray if it is placed on the processor and will stick to very strong.

2. ceramics

  This pasta-making material is a mixture of ceramic powder is mixed with liquid silicon. Generated by the thermal conductivity paste is good enough even this species and do not conduct electricity. because the price is relatively cheap it is relatively more banya Thermal used. This is a white thermal color hermal serves to fill the gap between the processor or heatsink with aluminum cooling. Because the truth even though the processor with the heatsink is very sticky and has been locked, but actually there are voids between the component which must not be seen with the eye telamjang bias and will fill the air in the absence of Thermal pasta.

Pasta is made from molten silicon will mentansfer heat to heat sink paste between 80-90 percent of the material being silver or aluminum to transfer heat up to 95 percent. Whereas if you did not use force tranfernya Thermal Paste the bias of less than 70 percent. In these circumstances the use of thermal paste setandar will lower the processor temperature is between 4 to 8 degrees Celsius according to the type of pasta, heatsink and thermal paste material used and the speed of computer fan.

So little discussion about the thermal paste may be useful to the reader and the article was created for the purpose of sharing if you want to copy please Namu with a very, very me for help include the source link.

By : Trimo Setio

Cctv cameras and microphones for the security of your office

The purpose of the hidden camera is actually used to protect your assets and valuables from theft or the hands of ignorant, but it turns out a lot recently pemakaianya not only as a security tool but is used as a surveillance tool you own employee's performance

Sometimes you want to know what your employees do when you're at the office if she is working properly or not, and habits of what they do when you're not at the office this age of increasingly advanced technology and developing a more profitable humans.

The above reasons was launched a few innovations from the analog to digital to one of the most recent breakthrough is the presence of technology such as CCTV cameras or hidden cameras so you can monitor what is being done by your employees

But after the existence of a hidden camera you want to know what was being said by your employees that you also install a tool that can be combined with a hidden camera called a special microphone for security

so be careful we as employees at this time because maybe we are being monitored and what we're talking sedan heard by the boss or our boss so keep a good attitude is also important so the spirit ^ _ ^

So little discussion about the hidden camera and microphone may be useful to the reader and the article was created for the purpose of sharing if you want to copy please Namu with a very, very me for help include the source link.

Author: Trimo Setio

Processor Cooling Thermal Paste

             Before entering into the discussion of "Processor Cooling Thermal Paste" I'll tell you first why I was a little talk about thermal paste this time (vent) at the time that I want to service the computer can not boot after I tried it several times to startup, but before getting to the desktop it always restart without any reason and this makes me understand a little bit confused still new in terms of computer service.

            After a while I tried and the results were not there I decided to get into the "BIOS SYSTEM" After I checked and it turns out the processor temperature reaches 72 "C, I was shocked and did not seem to believe (hehe lebai dikwit ..... hehe) I about fun with a processor problem and I had to try to dismantle the PC, but what I encountered was fun and gag normal processor there is a problem because I think I finally open penesaran processor is fun and what I encountered was a former processor there something that is dry because of my ignorance, I asked my boss and that's where I was introduced to "thermal paste" I am a little confused exactly what the thermal paste?

"Yupz .... go directly to the discussion of what thermal paste!"

           Thermal paste is a device in a computer that is rarely considered but important their role is used to help release heat to the heatsink processor, without any thermal as fast and fun as well as any processor can not release the heat generated by the processor so that the thermal stimulation is required by the components of the computer

My heart is still asking "what is the material of the thermal paste so he can help remove heat from the processor?."

The following are some of the material of thermal paste

1. Metal Based

Thermal paste is made from a mixture of powdered metals such as silver or aluminum is a very fine and mixed with oil in order to bias polisintesis like gel. This paste has a relatively expensive price and type of pasta has become a standard with an Intel or AMD. Because this type of pasta has excellent conductivity and conduct electricity. This paste will be colored gray if it is placed on the processor and will stick to very strong.

2. ceramics

This pasta-making material is a mixture of ceramic powder is mixed with liquid silicon. Generated by the thermal conductivity paste is good enough even this species and do not conduct electricity. because the price is relatively cheap it is relatively more banya Thermal used. This is a white thermal color hermal serves to fill the gap between the processor or heatsink with aluminum cooling. Because the truth even though the processor with the heatsink is very sticky and has been locked, but actually there are voids between the component which must not be seen with the eye telamjang bias and will fill the air in the absence of Thermal pasta.

Pasta is made from molten silicon will mentansfer heat to heat sink paste between 80-90 percent of the material being silver or aluminum to transfer heat up to 95 percent. Whereas if you did not use force tranfernya Thermal Paste the bias of less than 70 percent. In these circumstances the use of thermal paste setandar will lower the processor temperature is between 4 to 8 degrees Celsius according to the type of pasta, heatsink and thermal paste material used and the speed of computer fan.

So little discussion about the thermal paste may be useful to the reader and the article was created for the purpose of sharing if you want to copy please Namu with a very, very me for help include the source link.

By : Trimo Setio